Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Dune is the best book series ever, by a huge margin

Dune is the best book series ever, by a huge margin

A world is supported by four things: the prayers of the righteous, the wisdom of the learned, the justice of the great, and the wisdom of the brave...but all these are as nothing without a ruler who knows the art of ruling.”
— Bene Geseritt axiom, from Dune by Frank Herbert

My first book is Men are From Mars, Women Are from Venus. Just kidding! That girl is dead. Did you know that? Yes, the “poor” girl from Clueless (remember, she is “helped” to be more materialistic and is ultimately sucesfull in becoming more wealthy/rich-looking, which we the audience are led to support as an act of humanitarian kindness by the vitamin lady Alicia Silverstone is dead… I DIGRESS.

My first book was…who the fuck cares. My favorite book is Dune, and its successors (the original three books, and the subsequent ones EXCEPTING any other author).

Praesent finibus tortor risus, eleifend gravida leo suscipit ut. Fusce sit amet dignissim ex. Nullam vel viverra ligula. Ut sed maximus odio. Nam bibendum, diam sed rhoncus sagittis, sapien odio consectetur mauris, nec imperdiet justo ligula ac ante. Sed eu lectus ac est sagittis gravida. Nam quis porttitor justo, eu lobortis lorem. Praesent pharetra porttitor venenatis. Curabitur ac sollicitudin magna. Sed a massa sed dui scelerisque condimentum. Pellentesque semper rhoncus eros suscipit pellentesque. Duis quis orci sit amet quam accumsan tempor. Proin vestibulum placerat mauris, id finibus tellus sodales a. Cras semper venenatis nulla, vel finibus velit ornare nec. Quisque risus purus, faucibus vel mi et, sagittis pulvinar arcu. Suspendisse ornare nulla a metus maximus malesuada. 


The Fermi Paradox is Everything (WHERE ARE THE ALIENS?)

The Fermi Paradox is Everything (WHERE ARE THE ALIENS?)

Other things I think about every day but don't yet have their own blog post individually