
Welcome to my website. This is like a pretty version of a Geocities website from 1995.

Here, I write about the things I tell other people that seem to give them the most relief, provocation, pause and/or surprise. The things they seem to find interesting but somehow didn’t know before.

Basically, people are always saying to me: “Robert! You have so many opinions! You need to write these down or something so more people can hear your thoughts.” And it’s true: I’ve spent more hours mindlessley researching random shit on Wikipedia than anyoone I know (this is not me bragging, it’s me admitting to being a shut-in Hikokomori information slave), but the result is I know all about tons of random crap that is actually kinda cool to learn and discuss.

Anyway, the peoiple telling me to “write this down!” came more frequently to the point I realized it wasn’t just meaningless bourgeois hyperbole meant to flatter me (though much of it was still this). And since attention is the coin of our realm. And my ideas always seem to get attention. Since we are sadly oppressed to live in a time of…ugh…CAPITALISM… and I need coin. Well, do the math.

So, in sum, I took your advice, people: here are my fucking opinions, written down as requested.


How do I decide what qualifies for inclusion on the site?

I really do edit what I decide to post. This is not the random things that happen to pop into my head in chronological order of when I was able to type them down.

Basically, if I find that other people’s attention was “got” by a concept or an idea, because they found it fascinating or interesting or hysterical or valid or inflammatory but in a good way… I am going to try to elucidate and crystalize that idea/concept, and include it on this website.

So here is my Futurist Manifesto, my oppisitonal narrative, my crazy brain’s stream of consciouness let loose lon the Information Superhighway of CYBERSPACE for your all to critique and as fodder for character assination. I love 2019!


Welcome to my website. Here, I write about the things I talk about with other people that mostt often get the attention of others— because they agree, disagree, find it fascinating, interesting, funny, valid, inflammatory…

So here is my Futurist Manifesto, my oppositional narrative, my crazy brain let loose on the cyberspace. `